Review of Down a Dark River by Karen Odden!

Karen Odden - Down a Dark River coming in Nov. 2021!

Interview With Karen Odden here.

Review for Down a Dark River by Karen Odden

Wow! There couldn’t be a more extraordinary and exciting on the edge-of-your-seat page turning Victorian mystery to read than Down a Dark River. Very powerful prose. Karen Odden’s creative writing skills left me awestruck again. Though different in some ways from her previous novels, (this one is told through a male Inspector) it still bears her golden signature—an intelligent, riveting Victorian England mystery that soars with exceptional attention to detail.

Revenge, Justice and Mercy join together to tell this story in a way that is bold, fresh and original—even courageous, as seen in the delivery of its unexpected climax. What a standout ending! 

We first meet our Irish hero, Inspector Corravan— a fiery yet controlled, stubborn yet persuadable— relentless pursuer of criminals. He is a flawed man with best intentions but basically good to the core. For he is a seeker of truth and tries to understand the criminal mind of heinous crimes. His own past as a former bare-knuckles boxer and dockworker in London’s seedy East End, comes in handy in his pursuit of justice. He has a strong street sense and a talent for uncovering clues. His early backstory is a heart-warming one for after losing his parents, he is adopted by the generous Ma Doyle. Known as a fighter who ‘wins fights with fast fists,’ he quickly learns through his adoptive mother that revenge is not worth fighting for and he looks elsewhere for a place to use his skills. His size and attributes become an asset to the Metro police. One might say the uniform changes him but maybe it only enhances his heroic, compassionate, faithful and appreciative heart. Saved by an Irish mother from his own youthful impulsive ways, he proves a person can escape his/her grim past and change direction. 

All characters in Down a Dark River are well presented with equally fascinating attributes. A particular mention is Belinda, an author, who is not only a serious love-interest of Inspector Michael Corravan but also a worthy partner in helping his mind solve crimes. She possesses a writer’s excellent observation skills. Plus a great understanding of literature and the psychological aspects of characters and how they relate to human nature and current events. Ironically, for all her creative endowments, in many ways, she is the voice of reason and acts as balancer when Corravan goes askew. She helps him look at things in a different light and exposes the flaws in his thinking, which forces him to take not only a hard look at himself but also at the mind and motives of others—especially the killer. 

Likeable Harry, Stiles and James, are other notable friends of Inspector Corravan and add their own layer of wisdom, wit and warmth to the story. They also provide extra advice and insight that propels the Inspector forward in his search for truth. 

Something else I loved— is Karen’s ingenious use of Literature in Down a Dark River. Armed with Victorian poetry (particularly Tennyson’s Lady of Shalott) the tragic beauty of this poem slices through the darkness with its eloquence. But its mention also creates a chilling picture of how it may have influenced a criminal’s vengeful mind. Will this clue offer us an understanding and explanation of the goings on in the plot? It certainly gives the reader plenty to think about! Being a poet myself, it was natural for me to lean to its possible relevance. In fact, it reminded me of the famous words by Percy Shelley from his essay Defence of Poetry (published thirty-eight years before this story’s timeline) that ‘Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.’ This line implies that writers of verse wield an unappreciated moral power – but I add, without intention of harm. Poets through their poetry, can reflect the discontents, philosophies, struggles and ideals of the age and act as visionaries sharing insights. Poets in Irish literature are held in the highest regard. In fact, as important as a king. But does this killer know such literary history? Even if he doesn’t, he has recognised the power of words when put into action. And it certainly is a chilling powerful message that he is trying to convey to someone. So, does he know the poem The Lady of Shalott or is this mere coincidence that his victims are found floating downstream in a boat with flowers? 

This novel delves into such questions as what drives a normally sane man to insane acts? Are there grey lines between justice and mercy? Is there room for compassion in judgement? We are challenged in our pre-conceived ideas. Then there is the muddy route of justice itself that is sometimes peppered with seeds of corruption in places of power: where dishonesty is hidden by layers of deception.

The pacing is perfect. Though towards the end, I felt as if I was watching the story in slow motion for I was so engrossed in the plot and action that time stood still! I found myself reading and re-reading passages, in case I had missed something. This story pulls you in and never lets you go. It’s like the sensation of holding your breath under water! You are dropped to the depths of the sea with an anchor to keep you under until you can see what is happening.

Taking the path “down a dark river” means a loss in innocence, faith, trust, hope and—even goodness but what leads a normal person down that fateful path or river in the first place? Hurt from loss? Anger, then hatred? Yes, injustice can breed a nasty offspring of ruthless activity. 

This novel provides possible solutions that go against the grain of human nature and are shaded with undertones of divine mercy. The murky lines of right and wrong. The reasons behind actions. The hurt that drives those injured and misunderstood toward a ‘dark river’ of despair. The sense behind insanity that leads to insane acts. An engine of power, misunderstanding, deceit. Paradoxes galore fill this story that shake us from complacency as it turns over every stone for us to see the underside of things. It’s a beautifully executed novel that will stick to your heart and challenge your mind for years to come. I highly recommend this brilliant novel. 5 Stars from me! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Many thanks to Karen Odden, publisher Crooked Lane and Netgalley for the ARC to review.

Cindy L Spear