Review of 'The Paris Mystery' by Kirsty Manning

Review of ‘The Paris Mystery’ by Kirsty Manning

Release date: August 30th, 2022

Publisher: Allen & Unwin



Paris: a city that shimmers and never sleeps. This is the new setting for Kirsty Manning’s new novel and series: headed up by Charlie James, a keen reporter for The Times. This story is set in 1938 and is filled with colourful characters like the city itself. 

British expats Lady and Lord Ashworth are well connected to all figures of importance and Charlie makes it her mission to get into their company by attending a circus ball. But all that glitters is not pretty and wealth brings its own secrets and sordid details and unacceptable behaviour. Plus, a murder happens at this event that turns everyone inside out. Who is the killer? There is a long list of suspects!

This mystery sets Charlie on a quest to solve the sordid crime. She has plenty of clues to follow as she tries to find the antagonist. There’s just enough information to keep the reader guessing, too, with a strong hook that reels you in. Plus, ample suspense that steadily ramps up for the big finale. It keeps the pages frantically turning and the candle burning far into the night.

We are given a clear picture of who Charlie is from the start and trust she can solve the crime. We are hot on her heels as she follows a path of endless clues. Some of those tips, though, lead to dead ends while others to intriguing diversions. The atmosphere at times is uneasy and there's plenty of anxiety building in the suspects. A good array of red herrings keeps us guessing, as well. The cat and mouse plot contains a number of twists. Like the city of Paris, there is always motion. The story livens even more as we near the end: just as the beating of a heart quickens when caught in a fearful situation. The major climax delivers a big reveal that will leave the reader breathless but it does not stop there. We are given a little more drama and more surprises that carry us over another threshold.

There’s plenty of excitement, mystery and mayhem in The Paris Mystery. Kirsty wrings out every element possible from the plot so that by the end of the journey we are satisfied with the results. But this only wets our appetite to see Charlie solve another crime or mystery. For her first big scoop is quite revealing. We learn she is a strong female character that shines in her sleuth and reporter abilities and that’s a big bonus in the male dominated world of her time. 

This is a solid outing for a new series that is surely going to win over new fans for Kirsty. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Allen & Unwin for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear