Review of 'A New York Secret' by Ella Carey.

Book 1 of the Daughters of New York Series:

A New York Secret

Publisher: Bookouture

Released: March 12, 2021

A New York Secret was an enjoyable read. I liked the different approach Ella took with this novel. WWII was a time of great trials and this story instead of focusing directly on those who went to war, explores the lives of those who were left behind to wait, pray and hope their loved ones would return. This was a time when female friendships were vital. When women came together to encourage each other and to make a difference – when they tried to stand up for themselves. (Vianne is a good example and later tells her own fascinating story in book 3 of the series.) Of course, this often caused conflicts in families that clung to the traditional views of the age. We see this discord rise when main character Lily braces herself against family members who want her to follow a path different from the one she desires. The consequences of such pressure take its toll but she clings to a lifeline of support in her grandmother, Josie.

It was previously expected that women should marry, stay at home and care for their families; not go out into the workforce. But the demands of war turned many of these ideas around as women had to take over jobs once held by the men. Of course, when the men returned, it was a time of both joy and sadness. Many women lost their jobs so that men could reclaim their positions. This in itself created a new dilemma. Women could not just go back to the way things were. Progress had happened and it was impossible to revert such change or put the genii back in the bottle, so to speak. Once these women had a chance to grow and tasted freedom, they did not want to return to a life of confinement within a cage of old ideals. Life would never be the same for these women who had worked hard to learn new skills and earn respect. Then there were those who did not want to rock the boat and found change difficult like Lily’s mother. Plus, her values and aspirations were different, whether because of pride, fear of the unknown or failure to rise to the challenges, we are not sure.

It is a story about change, brought on by the experiences of war at home and abroad. It is also about the after-effects of WWII on the men who were forever altered by the things they saw and experienced. Men returned different and damaged. Some were fatally wounded: their minds and limbs permanently injured.

A New York Secret is about all these things but mainly about Lily, her talent as a chef and her fierce determination to succeed even after the war ends when the men reclaim their homes and jobs. There are many bitter-sweet conflicts with her mother who is determined to marry her off to a man she does not want and to steer her away from the man she loves. Tom not only shares her heart but also her cooking talent. This novel beautifully celebrates food and how it brings joy, comfort, togetherness, purpose, passion and pleasure in a time of great uncertainty.

A New York Secret raises many thoughts about this era: the challenges and the victories at home and on the warfront. But it also takes us on a bold journey of love. Love that binds, love that divides but then a love that heals. It is a story with heart and a worthy start to an intriguing series. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cindy L Spear